3100 9th Ave SE
Watertown, SD 57201
Phone: (605) 882-2222
Fax: (605) 882-2753
Find Enercept
© Copyright 2018 Enercept, Inc.
SIP construction offers the benefits of a comfortable, stronger structure, increased energy-efficiency, faster installation, and overall, a more cost-effective project.
Enercept wall panels are made of EPS insulation laminated between two oriented strand board (OSB) facings.
The four-foot panels install quickly and easily with our originally patented Insulated Connecting post. One side of the connecting post is factory installed in the wall panels; the opposite side is bull-nosed for easy installation - the connecting posts slide easily into the adjoining panel in a tongue and groove fashion. Even builders who have not used SIP's before marvel at the simplicity of the design and process.
The Insulated connecting post virtually eliminates thermal bridging in your wall system.
Enercept also produces eight-foot wide jumbo panels. Jumbo panels can be as large as 8' x 24' and can be installed horizontally, allowing you to frame, insulate and sheath a 24' wall with one panel.
With the Enercept Ready To Assemble (R.T.A.) panel system, all rough openings (windows and doors) are precisely cut and factory framed. Electrical chases are factory installed using heat for smooth surfaces, allowing for ease in wiring. Vertical electrical chases are installed every 4' and clearly marked with a blue line on the inside wall. Horizontal chases run throughout the wall system at 16" from the floor and at 44", counter top height, in kitchens, baths, utility rooms. Additional chases can be installed as specified in your plans.
Bottom sill plates, top plates and panel sealant are included with the Enercept Wall Panel System.
The Enercept Wall Panel System also features another innovative feature: fly-by corners. With the fly-by or corner adjustment panel, the OSB on the exterior of the corner panel extends beyond the EPS insulation. This allows installers to trim the OSB (and the foam, if needed) to fit precisely even if the foundation or floor deck have imperfections.
Are you ready to take the next step toward building with SIPs? Let us know the details of your project; we'd welcome the opportunity to hear more and prepare an estimate for you.
3100 9th Ave SE
Watertown, SD 57201
Phone: (605) 882-2222
Fax: (605) 882-2753
© Copyright 2018 Enercept, Inc.